Thursday, 28 June 2012

Saturday Pamper Day on 30th June 2012

Dear Friends,
Unfortunately the Pamper Drop-in will not be running this Saturday (30th June 2012).
Sorry for any inconvenience.
See you all next week, on the 7th July.
Best wishes

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

TRC will be at Trafford Carers 'Annual Carers Event' on Saturday 23rd June 2012

 Trafford Carers  'Annual Carers Event' on Saturday 23rd June 2012

The event will be held at Manchester United football stadium, from 12pm until 4pm. 
Trafford Rape Crisis will be there to support this amazing event where there will be lots going on. Including refreshments, light entertainment, information stands, pamper sessions, face painting, balloon modelling and lots more!
To book your place phone the Trafford Carers Helpline on 0161- 848 -2400.

We hope to see you there!


A Community Gathering....
On Thursday 21st June 9.30a.m. to 2pm at Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, M33 7ZF

Trafford Rape Crisis warmly welcomes members of the community and stakeholders to hear about our work.This event will provide an opportunity for you to have a voice in shaping our service development. The day will provide space for stakeholders and those within local communities to network and to find ways of working against violence against women.
To book please send the following details to
  • Name
  • Organisation (if applicable)
  • Postal Address
  • Email
  • Land line number
  • Mobile 
N.B. There is no charge for this event and there will be a light lunch provided, please let us know of any specific dietary requirements. The Waterside has full disabled access, please let us know of any other requirements you have.
 We hope to see you there!!

Trafford Rape Crisis will be supporting the Women Up North Event this Saturday 9th June from 10.30- 18.30.
We hope to see you there!