Hello All,
TRC have had a busy year so far, please see some of what we have been up to below;
On June 7th 2013 We held our 2nd Annual Stakeholder event in Partington, Trafford.
This was an excellent event where members of the community, stakeholders and practitioners gathered to hear about what TRC have been up to and to be informed about our work in relation to Child Sexual Exploitation.
Our guest speakers were:
- Alison Mutch: from the North West Crown Prosecution Service.Alison is the Branch Crown Prosecutor responsible for all prosecutions arising in the Cities of Manchester and Salford.
- Catherine Fleming: :(Safeguarding Development Manager)-Trafford Safeguarding Boards Response to Protecting Young People at Risk of Sexual Exploitation’.
- Dave Jones: Creative Director of GW Theatre discussing 'Somebody's Sister Somebody's Daughter Theatre production on Child Sexual Exploitation.
- Tony Lloyd: Police and Crime Commissioner for Gretaer Manchester.
- Fiona McDonald, Joanne Kennedy and Catherine Carter from the organisation 'Change'discussing their Joint working with TRC.
- Cllr Dr Karen Barclay:(Executive Member for Community Health and Well being)
- Sara Harris: (Chain
of Survival County Coordinator North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust on behalf
of the British Heart Foundation)
Tony Lloyd please see comments from Tony at http://www.gmpcc.org.uk/news/trafford-residents-make-a-stand-against-rape/ TRC CSE EVENT July 1st 2013
On July 1st at the Waterside Theatre in Sale Trafford Rape Crisis organised an event to showcase the wonderful theatre production 'Somebody's Sister Somebody's Daughter'.
This is a powerful new theatre production about sexual exploitation and street grooming from the award winning team of GW Theatre Company and writer Mike Harris. This production is aimed at 14-25 year olds.
This prevention has been commissioned by Oldham Council LSCB and developed in partnership with Rochdale and Oxfordshire Councils, the Oxford Foundation and Barnardo’s and with support from ACE Awards for all.
The High Schools in Trafford were invited along with year 10+ pupils to learn about child sexual exploitation as a awareness raising exercise. Guest speakers at the event were;
- The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of Trafford
- Dr Sue Raynor Jacob who is the Head of Funding Policy for Victims of Rape, Human Trafficking & Homicide Ministry of Justice
- Deborah Brownlee, who is the Corporate Director Children, Families and Wellbeing Directorate
...and the response was fabulous;
"It makes you be aware of who you are ‘hanging’ around with"
"A powerful play"
"we look forward to working with Trafford rape Crisis on these issues"
Thank you to;
Dave Jones and his colleagues at GW Theatre for another fabulous and informative performance, we look forward to working with you in the future.Check them out on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/GW-Theatre-Company
Catherine Fleming and Trafford Children's Safeguarding Board who financially supported Trafford Rape Crisis with this event.
Talkshop who supported the event with information on their services and goody bags for all who attended.
and last but not least thank you to the wonderful volunteers at Trafford Rape Crisis without them this event would not have been possible.